At Kenny Guffey Construction, our expertise is building custom homes. Kenny has built a solid reputation in east Tennessee for his commitment to quality and attention to detail. With over 30 years of experience in custom residential building, you can trust that Kenny Guffey Construction will work with you each step of the way to make your dream home a reality.

Kenny has proven his success by his selection in the Southern Living Custom Builder Program. Kenny is the exclusive Tennessee member for Blount and Sevier Counties. This honor is only bestowed upon 100 of the South’s finest Home Builders. Each member selected is honored for their commitment to quality and attention to detail. Benefits of the program include access to an extensive portfolio of Southern Living House Plans. Most of all it gives Kenny Guffey Construction instant credibility.
Kenny Guffey Construction upholds an outstanding reputation in the Seymour area as a quality custom home builder. Kenny has built homes in Knoxville, Maryville, Greenback, and Dandridge, now he mostly builds in Seymour, Sevierville, and Pigeon Forge.
Many decisions go into building a home and some can be quite overwhelming. That is where Kenny Guffey Construction lends its expertise to guide you through each step of the building process. At Kenny Guffey Construction, we want the most important investment you will make to be fun and exciting. The result will be a home you can cherish for years to come.
None of this success would be possible without the dedication of Kenny’s suppliers and lenders. His subcontractors and suppliers are exceptionally skilled workers who have proven their quality by staying true to their word and true to Kenny’s mission statement: “To use our God-given talents to their fullest potential and deliver a home To our clients that is unparalleled in quality, attention to detail, And customer service regardless of price or size.”